- (00-39).........Abductions and Attempts
- (20-01).........Accessing and Managing COVID-19 Status Information Policy
- (91-05).........Accidental Death and Disability Coverage
- (04-01).........Accommodation for Person with Disabilities
- (10-01)......Adult School Crossing Guard Guidelines
- (10-03)......Adult School Crossing Guards - Nutrition Break Crossings
- (10-02)......Adult School Crossing Guards - Secondary School Crossings
- (00-07).........Arrest
- (07-01).........Auction Proceeds
- (00-23).........Bail and Violent Crime
- (18-01) ........Board Resources in Election Period
- (93-01).........Cancellation Insurance on Airline Tickets
- (13-01).........Canine Units
- (00-27).........Child Abuse and Neglect
- (00-35).........Child Pornography Investigations
- (99-01).........Code of Conduct for Board Members
- (00-21).........Collection, Preservation and Control of Evidence and Property
- (03-01).........Collective Bargaining
- (00-56).........Communicable Diseases
- (00-04).........Communications & Dispatch
- (00-03).........Community Patrol
- (00-15).........Court Security
- (00-05).........Crime, Call & Public Disorder Analysis
- (00-02).........Crime Prevention
- (00-28).........Criminal Harassment
- (00-28B).........Criminal Harassment
- (00-06).........Criminal Intelligence
- (00-08).........Criminal Investigation Management & Procedures
- (00-49).........Crisis Negotiation
- (00-24).........Domestic Violence Occurrences
- (00-31).........Drug Investigation
- (00-22).........Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse
- (00-54).........Emergency Planning
- (02-01).........Employee Assistance Program
- (02-03).........Employee Recognition
- (00-55).........Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Workplace Harassment
- (09-01).........Equipment - Body Armour
- (02-02).........Evaluation of Civilian Employees
- (00-50B).........Explosives
- (07-03).........Financial Procedures
- (01-04).........Framework for Annual Reporting
- (00-52).........Framework for Business Planning
- (00-37).........Fraud Investigation
- (00-51).........Ground Search for Lost Persons
- (00-09).........Hate/Bias Motivated Crime and Hate Propaganda
- (00-38).........Homicide
- (00-38B) ......... Homicide
- (96-01).........Honorariums for Board Members
- (00-64).........Hostage Rescue
- (00-32).........Illegal Gaming
- (00-11).........Internal Task Forces
- (01-01).........Investigative Supports
- (00-10).........Joint Forces Operations
- (00-48).........Major Incident Command
- (00-59).........Management of Police Records
- (00-60).........Marked General Patrol Vehicles
- (95-01).........Medical Competency - Adult School Guards
- (01-02).........Ministry Training Standards
- (00-26) ........Missing Persons
- (06-05).........Officer Note Taking
- (06-06).........Ontario Sexual Offender Registry
- (00-16).........Paid Informants and Agents
- (91-01).........Petitions
- (00-46).........Police Action at Labour Disputes
- (06-01).........Police Response to High Risk Individuals
- (00-14).........Police Response to Persons Who are Emotionally Disturbed or Mental Illness
- (00-62).........Police Uniforms
- (12-01) ........ Policing Aboriginal Occupations and Protests
- (00-47).........Preliminary Perimeter Control & Containment
- (00-29).........Preventing or Responding to Occurrences Involving Firearms
- (00-17).........Prisoner Care and Control
- (00-33).........Prisoner Transportation
- (00-01).........Problem Oriented Policing
- (00-40).........Proceeds of Crime
- (90-01).........Property Found by Police Member
- (00-30).........Property Offences
- (00-45).........Public Order Units
- (91-04).........Return of Found Money to Finder
- (07-05).........Retention & Destruction of Records
- (91-03B)........Return of Found Property to Finder
- (00-41).........Robbery
- (07-02).........Rules and Regulations of the B.P.S.
- (00-61).........Safe Storage of Police Service Firearms
- (00-13).........Search of Persons
- (00-12).........Search of Premises
- (96-02).........Secondary Activities - Chief of Police
- (06-04).........Secure Holsters
- (00-34).........Sexual Assault Investigation
- (03-02).........Signing Authority for the Board
- (06-08).........Skills Development and Learning
- (01-03).........Skills Requirements
- (06-03).........Speed Detection Devices
- (16-01).........Street Checks
- (00-20).........Stolen or Smuggled Firearms
- (00-36).........Sudden Death and Found Human Remains
- (00-25).........Supervision
- (00-53).........Suspect Apprehension Pursuits
- (00-63).........Tactical Units
- (92-01).........Tender Submissions
- (00-18).........Traffic Management, Enforcement and Road Safety
- (94-01).........Travel and Expense Policy
- (06-07).........Underwater Search & Recovery Units
- (00-57).........Use of Auxiliaries
- (06-02).........Use of Force
- (00-58).........Use of Volunteers
- (00-42).........Vehicle Theft
- (00-44).........Victims Assistance
- (00-19).........Witness Protection
- (00-43).........Youth Crime
- New Policy